Where we work
First IFLR implementation
As of today:
Families empowered
Hectares restored
Peru has more than 1.5 million hectares of degraded land deemed a high priority by the government close to the location of our technological infrastructure. The country is also one of the first to have pledged the restoration and reforestation of millions of hectares as part of Initiative 20X20. Viridis Terra selected Peru and its Amazonian Region for the sophisticated web of private, civil, and public partners mobilized around forest restoration. Viridis Terra’s team has been working since 2019 to establish relationships with hundreds of local producers in the Ucayali, Huánuco, San Martin, and Loreto regions.
Restoration work
We have already identified 11 programs in Peru with significant potential for restoration (approx. 350,000 ha). We are currently working in 3 of them and plan to expand into the 8 other programs over time. As such, we have a long-term vision of scaling our work in Peru for years to come. Offices are established in both Pucallpa and Yurimaguas. The company currently operates its sole nursery in Pucallpa, Ucayali, with an installed capacity to produce 1,000,000 seedlings annually, ensuring the achievement of our current objectives.
We plan to achieve our first 3000 ha (phase 1) by early 2025.
A Landholder's Journey with Viridis Terra
Peru expansion plan
11 programs – Index and Synthesis
Province :Padre Abad province, UcayaliTotal area (ha) :106,566Phase :Implementation
Province :Alto Amazonas province, LoretoTotal area (ha) :71,466Phase :Implementation
Province :Coronel Portillo province, UcayaliTotal area (ha) :106,127Phase :Planning
Province :Padre Abad province, UcayaliTotal area (ha) :52,055Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Puerto Inca province, HuanucoTotal area (ha) :85,060Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Puerto Inca province, HuanucoTotal area (ha) :148,311Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Puerto Inca province, HuanucoTotal area (ha) :59,597Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Puerto Inca province, HuanucoTotal area (ha) :68,989Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Rioja province, Moyobamba, San MartinTotal area (ha) :106,595Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Lamas province, San MartinTotal area (ha) :89,135Phase :Diagnostic
Province :Maynas province, LoretoTotal area (ha) :88,092Phase :Diagnostic